All Things PCB Outreach has agreed to be the “fiscal sponsor” for the following project. All donations received will be tax deductible under our 501(c)(3) status and be distributed directly to benefit the Grunes Family. Read more about their story below.
I would like to introduce Rick and Michelle Grunes. This amazing couple has been on an emotional roller coaster for the past 3 years. In 2016, their youngest granddaughter, Emmaleigh, was brutally raped and murdered by a family acquaintance at the tender age of 9 months old. Emmaleigh’s 4 remaining siblings, ranging in age from 10 years to 18 months, are now in the temporary custody of Rick and Michelle. The children’s mother (Rick and Michelle’s daughter) is unable to care for them at this time. After Emmaleigh’s death, the State of West Virginia (where the crime occurred), placed the remaining 4 children with Child Protective Services, where they remained for 435 days. The Grunes were not allowed visitation with the children for the entire time! Finally, a court hearing in 2019 granted the Grunes temporary custody BUT their chances of having the children permanently is in jeopardy. You see, the Grunes live in a nice 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home, sufficient for “empty nesters”, but not to raise 4 children. Unless modifications to the home are made, Rick and Michelle will lose custody of the children and they will go to separate foster homes in West Virginia. The possibility of losing these precious grandchildren is heart-wrenching to Michelle and Rick.
It is our mission to help raise enough funding for Rick and Michelle so they can build 1-2 additional bedrooms and 1 bathroom. This family has many hurdles ahead of them, this one being the most urgent. Once this project is funded, we hope to continue supporting this family with the challenges that come along with clothing, feeding and maintaining the physical and spiritual well-being of these children. While Rick and Michelle have not asked for any money, we believe that this loving, Christian
couple, deserves the right to be able to raise their grandchildren in their home, with the family they know and love. We ask our community to pray for this family and consider giving cheerfully to this cause.
We have begun the exploration process of forming a non-profit organization to help Rick, Michelle and the children and to have an outlet for tax-deductible donations to be made. Any updates on the formation of the non-profit organization will be shared as soon as we are notified. Please consider making a donation so that this family can remain together!